José Alexandre Cunha
Chairman message
In an increasingly complex and competitive world, the IGHS group integrates multiple valences directly and indirectly related to the health sector, assuming the sharing and integration of competencies as an essential condition for the development of its projects, in which innovation is the main guarantee of differentiation.
For the Group companies, quality is a natural consequence of our requirements. We demand from each of us, and from all those who relate to us, the maximum, so that the result of our products and services will take on a unique condition.
Having originated in the City of Coimbra, the IGHS Group today integrates companies with decades of experience and recognition, as well as centuries of knowledge added by one of the most respected and ancient universities in the world, the University of Coimbra. At the same time, we assume our unique network of partners is a larger asset of our activity, which gives us the guarantee of a unique legacy.
With confidence in the competence of our resources, we observe the future with the certainty of our commitment and with the solid conviction of the success of our companies, while continuing to focus on developing solutions and services that contribute to the development of the projects that we lead, as well as products that contribute to improving the quality of life of all its users.